REVISED Mailing Guidelines

Revised Mailing Guidelines

After some experience receiving mail here in Peru, I’ve decided to revise the mailing guidelines.

1)  Small packages will get here faster than larger packages.  My parents recently sent a shoebox full of delicious food which took about six weeks to get here.  All of the packages that people have sent me have arrived so patience is just required (usually pretty difficult on my part).

2)  Peace Corps warned us that we might have to pay to pick up packages – I’ve never had this problem. 

3)  On your customs slip, keep the overall value of the package low (definitely under $40).  And just write broad categories (food, school supplies, etc.).

My address is:
Elizabeth Mentink
Cuerpo de Paz
Casilla Postal No. 277
Serpost Huaraz
Ancash, Perú, South América

And what would I like to receive?
- letters and cards
- pictures
- Kraft mac and cheese (always the first thing I eat from a care package)
- peanut butter/Nutella
- walnuts/cashews
- chocolate chips
- Stovetop stuffing
- soup mix
- magazines



Anonymous said...

Hey Beth!
I was just wondering what your email address was. :)

Anonymous said...

My e-mail is

I look forward to hearing from you!