A mercado I stopped at on my way. I bought a sweater here as a nice alternative to my hooded sweatshirt. I´m wearing it today and feel very ¨native¨.
La Iglesia de San Cristóbal. I didn´t know that it was called this until I got home and showed the pictures to Yoni. The church is under construction right now but outside of it is a small plaza and there aren´t too many tourists.
I sat in this plaza for about an hour just eating my lunch, reading, and enjoying the view. I will definitely be spending more afternoons here.
An alpaca.
I took this picture when I got back to the Plaza de Armas. You can see the church that I walked to.
For supper last night we had pasta with steak (yum!) and then Heidi and I walked back to Maximo Nivel. It was my first adventure outside at night and it wasn´t too scary.
Yesterday was definitely my best day in Cuzco so far. Going exploring was really helpful and make me feel a lot more comfortable here. Tomorrow I´m meeting up with Michelle and two girls we met at the airport and we´re going to walk around the city and just see what we find!
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WOW!!!! Your pictures are awesome. I totally jealous. I'm glad to hear you're having fun. I like the picture you took of yourself. You look super cute! Work on your tan and I can't wait to see your next post. Love you and miss you.
Hey Beth! Wow - these pictures are awesome! I can't believe you climbed all of those stairs - hopefuly you were wearing sensible shoes. :) It's really nice and warm here today, so I was sitting outside before closing my eyes and imagining that I was in Peru too - but in less sensible shoes. I'm glad to hear you're having an okay time .... love you and miss you!
Hi Beth! I was so happy to read about your adventures in your blog. I'm sure you will get completely adjusted soon and your stay will be over before you know it.
Keep us posted on everything!
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